Saturday, June 03, 2006
Pirate ships

I had a rather odd dream yesterday. I can't quite get to sleep right now so I figured now is as good a time as any to type this out.

I don't remember much of it, but what I do remember doesn't make much sense.

As much as I recall, it involve my family and I needing to get to Florida or some place just past it. It was almost like a road trip except the vehicle we used was actually a giant pirateship (?) on wheels. It was huge. Well, it looks big from the outside in comparison to a car. It was along the size of a semi-truck (lengthwise) and just a bit taller, not quite sure if it had sails though. It basically parked like a car and in the dream, my family and I made a stop, for some reason, at this dock like area, only I don't remember seeing a dock or water nearby (I got the impression of a dock). There were many other parked pirateships though...

So my family disappears somewhere and I'm left to my own devices. I remember standing there and putting on some of that vanilla icing smackers lip-gloss. You know the one that you have to apply with the stick? Yeah that one, only I dropped the stick and it got all covered in sand. Enter a grumble for dropping the stupid thing, but all is well for I see a water drinking fountain a yonder of three feet.

It's one of those rounded fountains with the two levels, one higher and one lower. Cool, I can wash off the sand from this lip-gloss stick (ew...would never use it again in real time). Hmm, the fountain looks clogged (probably from all that frigging sand that's at the bottom). Oh well, the water still works so I proceed to clean off the lip-gloss stick.

Well, that was simple, why didn't I just use the higher levelled drinking fountain? I don't think it was clogged. T_T Ahh, what's done is done.

At this time I notice a little girl in a dress with dirty blond hair run up to me a little ways in front of a lady that I assumed was her mother. Strange kid that one. She asked me if I had a tv. I told her I didn't and that was the end of it. I think we had a brief conversation but I can't quite recall what it was about. All I know is that it had something to do with the tv....or was it mirror?

After that, I can't remember anything other than suddenly sitting beside some guy...and leaning my head on his shoulder... o.O What the hell. Who the heck is this guy and what am I doing? He had short dark brown hair, I think, was wearing an un-tucked white dress shirt and was taller than me (grrr), but then again, everyone is taller than me (Except charmaine of course ohoohohoh.)

I think this guy had his....arm around me? Wha..I think I just died. He is totally in my bubble man. In real life, I'd probably beat you if you did that and I didn't know you for something like 3 years at least (yes I have high standards)....

Okay so I wouldn't beat you but I'd definitely try to get some space as soon as possible. The odd thing was that I felt comfortable....well, it is a dream I guess, but this was weird. It was like...'I just laid on the most relaxing bed in the history of mankind' comfortable. I think if I fell aseep on this guy, I could possibly sleep forever (and I don't mean death you guys).

I wonder what it all means. No, I'm not looking for a lover of any kind. Don't make me go ninja on you. Though I do notice, I have a strange addiction to lip-glosses in real life. You don't supposed they're putting nicotine in the lipgloss now do you? Hmm, you never know...

This is how all things worked...
5:06 AM

All About Me

Slightly strange, somewhat forgetful, completely crazy.

More About Me


February 2006
April 2006
June 2006


Forgotten Dreams
Midnight Evenings
Time Intentions


Outer World

Corinna 1 2
Ling Ling


Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Resource - x
Hoster - Photobucket
Softwares - Photoshop CS3