Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Ghost

Once upon a time there was a girl named Iris.

Iris lived with her family in a little white, teal, brown, wooden, stucco house. It had an identical white, teal, brown, wooden stucco garage located a little ways from the house with a little yard behind the white, teal brown, wooden, stucco garage just big enough for a small garden.

But behind this garage, instead of a garden, was a graveyard haunted by one lone male ghost who liked to chase Iris whenever she climbed up the ladder over the garage roof and onto the other side where the graveyard was located.

Everytime Iris came over the garage, the ghost would chase Iris around the outside of the garage until she passed the line where the backyard began and the concrete ended. He would stop like he suddenly lost interest in chasing Iris and slowly float back over to the graveyard to wait for the next time Iris climbed over the garage roof.

One day Iris decided to confront the ghost. She climbed over the garage roof and when the ghost chased Iris again she began to fence with the ghost using a toothpick. They fought for something like 2 minutes with Iris' little sister watching from the green patio stairs.

Finally, Iris managed to knock the ghost's toothpick out of his hands and the ghost seemed to give up. He began to float higher and moved towards a truck which just so happen to have arrived just then. The ghost floated and settled into a closed casket resting in the back of the truck. Once the ghost had disappeared from sight the truck pulled out of Iris' drive way and left.

The ghost was gone and Iris felt slightly sad that the ghost was gone. Now all she could do was pick up his dropped toothpick as her sister stood beside her.

It was a sunny autumn day.

The End.

And the moral of the story is....

Don't fight with toothpicks. You'll lose more than an eye.

I was a weird kid. Must be the milk. It should come with a warning label.

I am not on crack.

This is how all things worked...
3:22 AM

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Fuzz and Foot Massages

Oh hey! I remembered this one dream Ling had. I thought it was pretty funny.

She told me that Saitoh from Rurouni Kenshin was her man servant (ahahahaha) and he took off her white fuzzy socks and gave her a foot massage. Ahahahahahahaha. That's pretty funny stuff.

Now how come I don't get a man servant?

Life is unfair....

This is how all things worked...
4:13 AM

After Thought

Hmm, you know what?

My post for that first dream is a wee bit too long me thinks. I was trying to write it like a story almost. Well it seems like it once I re-read it. Bit too much detail. If I were a random person passing by I wouldn't want to read it, its so long. I'll try to cut it down the next time but seriously that's all I was thinking when I dreamed that. Well not really thinking, my impulses if you could call it. I don't know how to explain.

Well, I have to sleep. Maybe I'll dream of something. Something good like that one dream with me having a really dry mouth, thinking 'man...I'm really thirsty' only to turn around and find Inuyasha standing behind me holding a glass of water. *sweatdrop* How convenient. ohohoho. I had it when I was sick with a sore throat during first year in exam week. Go figure.

This is how all things worked...
3:46 AM

All About Me

Slightly strange, somewhat forgetful, completely crazy.

More About Me


February 2006
April 2006
June 2006


Forgotten Dreams
Midnight Evenings
Time Intentions


Outer World

Corinna 1 2
Ling Ling


Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Resource - x
Hoster - Photobucket
Softwares - Photoshop CS3