Saturday, February 25, 2006
Could be a Sign...

Alrighty! First dream....Alright, not really first but the first one on this blog. I think I had this a few days ago. It's actually the third one but the first two I can't really remember now other than the fact that when I woke up and the first thing I thought was 'cool'. If I could remember more of it, I could have used them as story plots. They also involved Inuyasha and in the second one, kenshin. Bonus.

Yes I know I'm a dork.

Okay so basically this is what I can remember.

Medium grey clouds covered the afternoon sky as I ran between buildings racing for the bus stop. Downtown buses were often unreliable according to time schedules and I was in a hurry. I could see Churchill square up ahead across the street with its trees all nice and green and made a unconscious note of the smell of summer rain that was in the air.

Up ahead I acknowledged the presence of one lone blond lady also waiting for the bus and all I could comprehend was 'good, the bus hasn't come by yet'.

Slowing to a slight jogging motion as I approached the glass bus shelter I realized there as something wrong with the scene. Approximately a block away from my desired destination I realized that two Caucasian males were starting to harass the bus stop's lone occupant.

For some reason the scene began to anger me and a sudden surge of protectiveness came up in me which was strange. I had no association to the lady currently looking increasingly uncomfortable and slightly frightened nor did I know the two males. Somewhere in the back of my mind a small voice told me to mind my own business and that the situation could quickly get out of hand and I would be caught in the middle of it should I choose to intercept. However, that little piece of my superego was ignored as I stepped in between the lady and the males and promptly told them to bug off.

Now after this point I would like to think that all went well and that I did not get my ass thoroughly kicked and my body thrown into a tree but I have no idea what proceeded that moment as the scene changed to that of a bright sunny summer day.

Now with a cloudless bright blue sky that I could see through the window, I was relocated to my old neighborhood in my hometown. I could see the small field in the middle of the block where I often played in with my sister, the grass primly cut by one of the neighborhood adults.

I faced a window towards the outside of the building that I seemed to acknowledge as my house, only the interior was not that of my home. Instead things were set up as if it were a small church. Folding chairs were laid out in straight rows enough to seat at most 50 people which were now leaving through the front door that served as the back of the church room. Apparently service was over and after a minute all that was left were a few loiterers and the still surprisingly straight rows of folding chairs. Perhaps they screwed them down to the floor? For some reason I doubt they would do that.

Facing the window as I started to lift my bag to leave I notice something out of the corner of the window that made my heart skip a beat and what I suspect to be adrenaline to increase in my veins. Some guy was running towards the 'church' completely surrounded by flames! What the begeezes?!?! My jaw dropped open and for a second I wondered how this he managed to set himself completely on fire. The way he was burning reminded me of what would happen when a chicken wing caught on fire on the BBQ. Disturbing I know but the image that I recalled from my first aid course was that of third degree burns (that severely reminded me of perfectly done BBQ chicken, argh) which I was positive this individual would have.

The largest surprise and puzzlement that occurred was that as he entered the church, miraculously the flames disappeared. Okay now I don't know what to think as he proceeded to calmly walk a few rows ahead of me to sit down. The previously flam-baying man looked like nothing had even occurred to him, though he did seem a bit dazed. Forgetting about leaving I walked up to him and started to apply my first aid on him and asked him if he was okay, if I could assist him and all that needed junk.

The man really didn't need anything as when I lifted his sleeve to check for damage there was nothing except for many old scars. There were parts on his arm that appeared to be slightly suffering from first degree burns but they seemed to heal right before my eyes. Now this is strange but I could not ponder over this in my dream as the rest of the night my memory went blank.

Basically I woke up going 'what the hell....'. That was one strange dream though not as strange as some of the ones I remember from when I was young. (Singing pirates on floating boats anyone? I know there's got to be an island with a giant ice sculpture of the Nike symbol somewhere in the real world...)

Maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me, if I don't go to church, I'll go up in flames. Woo, symbolic I tell you. I don't know exactly what the beginning of the dream meant but in the end, what dream really makes sense. It's all in code I tell you. Our shoulder angel and devil are bored and thought it would be fun to confuse us.

Well I think that is all for now. It's now 5:13am and I was planning to go to church but now I don't think I'll be able to get up. Maybe that's why I was sent that dream. Hmm.....

I have a couple more recent dreams waiting to be listed down and have only now found time to write. (I began this draft post on February 25 and only finished it now, March 26, horrible) However all other recent dreams are not quite as clear as this one. Perhaps I'll write them down or perhaps I won't. But I have to say that the recent ones were pretty interesting even though my memory on them is rather patchy. I can clearly remember waking and thinking.....'holy crap that was cool' only to have the images slip away. Man that's frustrating. I need to start sleeping with a notepad so that when I wake up I can jot things down about my dreams.

Okay, I really need to get some shut eye. I've already spent the whole day entertaining my 5 year old second cousin and I was bushed until I had some tea. Holy man, after that I was wide awake. I think it may have been spiked.

Anyways, see you guys till next time. Maybe I'll have another worthwhile dream. As long as it isn't a nightmare I'll be happy.

Ciao guys.

This is how all things worked...
12:08 AM

Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Lowdown

All right! A new post!

Ok, a little explanation on the purpose of this blog. This will be the blog where, whenever I have a dream (I see fit to post), I will try to my best ability to remember details and proceedings that occurred in said dream. If I remember anything about past dreams, I'll probably add it sometime also.

This is how all things worked...
2:04 AM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

New! Gotta study. Will post more later....


This is how all things worked...
1:38 AM

All About Me

Slightly strange, somewhat forgetful, completely crazy.

More About Me


February 2006
April 2006
June 2006


Forgotten Dreams
Midnight Evenings
Time Intentions


Outer World

Corinna 1 2
Ling Ling


Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Resource - x
Hoster - Photobucket
Softwares - Photoshop CS3